“Two Planets” is translation of Allama Iqbal’s poem “Do Sitare”. Iqbal is famous for presenting reality of life through examples. He creates imagery of common objects, through which he forces his readers to think from a specific perspective. This poem also follows the conventional style of Iqbal. The poet has put two things in juxtaposition. He has compared human wish with reality of life. At the same time, he demonstrates the painful moment of life i.e. severance. As mentioned above, the poet creates common objects in order to illustrate reality, therefore, in this poem too, readers find no difficulty in recognizing metaphors. Two planets are actually two humans and this poem is a dialogue between them. There is also a possibility that they are passionate lovers. These two persons want everlasting relationship; they want permanent embrace. Living together is a strange kind of feeling and this poem is direct expression of it. Universe is broad and planets often come close to each other but when they do, they feel embracement as most pleasurable moment of life. It is, therefore, one of them articulates its wish while saying that “endless” meeting is pleasant. It has also been demonstrated by the poet that aloofness is agonizing fact of life. Undoubtedly, the poem is a clear representation of reality and wishes.
The poem starts with meeting of two planets. One of them expresses his [“he” because planet is metaphor for human] wish to stay in relationship forever. He feels that it is the most gratifying moment of life. The poet has summarized a fact in starting lines of the poem i.e. the wish of every person. It is much difficult for one to live a life of separation. Indeed, aloofness and separation are two most painful facts of life. When a person dies, he does not only leave the world but many desperate lives behind him. It is much painful moment of life. Similarly, when a person leaves his near and dear ones for the sake of earning bread, this moment fills their eyes with tears. Thematically, the poet conveys a message that separation is law of nature. Thomas Hardy, an English writer, can be quoted here. He said “happiness is but an occasional episode in the general drama of pain”. Thus, the moment of togetherness is the happiest moment for the planet but he should know that it is occasional. His wish of living forever can never be fulfilled as it is against law of nature.
In next lines, enhancement in desire of planet can be witnessed. In a moment of embracement, the planet seeks heavenly blessing. He wants permanent embracement. Expressions of the planet are noteworthy. “And leave our light in one light blent.” This line is extraordinarily beautiful. Let’s take and example of two lovers; when they meet and share their feelings while embracing each other, they become one entity instead of two. A strange bond between them can be imagined; they become equal while removing every difference between them. Planet is of the view that perhaps, heavenly blessings can grant them an everlasting embracement and resultantly they can get rid of pains of aloofness and separation.
The poem can be divided into two parts. First part ends at “And leave our light in one light blent!’”. In first part the poet has demonstrated his desire; “an endless embracement” but in second part he shows “severance” as painful reality of life.
Soon the planet realizes that permanent embrace is not possible. His desire cannot be fulfilled. He must leave the second planet as it is law. He has to go away from him. Fate does not allow him to live with his beloved. The planets are bound to follow the orbits. Here we find the use of symbolism by the poet. The orbits are actually the law of nature and planets are humans, who are abiding by the rules of law. They are bound to their fate and luck. They cannot leave their path. Fate is their trail and they have to follow it in order to spend life. They may have wishes but they cannot leave the orbit in their pursuance; for them, everything has been defined. Life is systematic. In life, there is separation, pain, hurdles, happiness and gloominess but one has to continue struggling while following the systematic path of life.
In last two lines of the poem, we see denial at once in fulfillment of wish. “Eternal union is a dream”, the line needs no explanation. The planet is seeking permanent union but there are no chances of everlasting union. Severance is supreme law of nature. Last line of the poem is symbolic. It symbolizes death; one must leave this world. On day, he has to leave his near and dear ones as it is supreme law of nature. No one can live forever in this world. No matter how much a father loves his son or a sister loves her brother, he has to leave him in case death approaches him. Hence, eternal meeting in this life, is not possible. Death is certain and so as severance, therefore, the poet is right. “Eternal union is [definitely] a dream“.
Thus, the poem is beautiful representation of a common wish of every human. Eternal love and eternal union is a dream of every person but the poet has proved that never ever think of making this dream a reality. This dream cannot become truth. Love may be the most powerful thing in this world but it cannot stop severance. Similarly, the poet also comments on reality of life. He talks about systematic way of life. According to him, a path (fate) has been assigned to every person and he has no other choice but to follow it. In addition, the poet talks about death and with certainty. Perhaps, the most important thing which separates a person from another is death. In case nothing separates a person from the other, then death does this work dutifully. At last but not the least, the poem “Two Planets” is nothing but expression of reality (life, its desires and death).