Drama, Hamlet, William Shakespeare Characteristics of Hamlet The writer depicts intelligence, thoughtfulness, melancholia, indecisiveness, complexity and creativity as major characteristics of Hamlet.
Drama, Othello, William Shakespeare Othello and Desdemona | William Shakespeare | Critical Analysis In Othello Shakespeare has exaggerated romance through two major characters of the play introduced to the audience as Othello and Desdemona.
Drama, Poetry, William Shakespeare Shakespeare as a Universal Poet Shakespeare mainly focuses on emotions and less on events, therefore, many eminent critics declare him a universal poet of all ages.
Drama, The Winter's Tale, William Shakespeare It has been said that Shakespeare “lost the light-hearted gaity of his youth; where once he had laughed, he now, in his maturity, smiled pensively not without melancholy.”Discuss this statement in relation to Shakespeare’s play The Winter’s Tale. Shakespeare’s plays can be divided into three categories;history,comedy and tragedy. “The Winter’s Tale” is a play, which is partial comedy and partial […]